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3-Day Master Class by Gregor Lersch

Master Class with Gregor Lersch

We have an amazingly educational three days planned!
International Master Florist Gregor Lersch will be teaching as in depth as ever.
Join this Master Class to hone your floristic skills and craftsmanship under the tutelage of the Master of Master Florists.


We’ll focus on the following subjects:

Open Silhouette or Bohemian Style

A style that has become increasingly popular, mostly known as ‘Boho Style’. A modern take on an old design style from classical paintings, originating from floral enthousiasts.
We’ve explored ways of making this subject teachable and found that these teachings can be applied to create a broader style of arrangements rather than just ‘Boho’, for that the name Open Silhouet was founded.

Vintage, Romantic floristry

Romanticism is something that always comes back in times of need. Creating flower arrangements with warm emotions. There is a lot of overlap with the previous day, but on this day we will explore the vintage aspects more.

Floating Flower Arrangements

A subject Gregor always wanted to teach, but never had the chance to. A unique way of exploring floristry, with niche but incredible opportunities.

Course dates 2023

Tuesday, June 13 to Friday, June 15, 2023


All necessary materials to create the arrangements are included in the price. As well as lunch with some beverage options, coffee/tea during coffee breaks.

The course fee is € 850.

Not included are tools. So we recommend you to bring your own pruning shears, florist knife and a wire cutter. If you do not have these, you can buy them in our physical shop on location or order them through our website. If you order them in advance, we will have them ready for you on the day of the course.

The necessary materials include:

  • all needed flowers & leaf materials;
  • all bases/containers needed;
  • all side materials, like ribbon, beads, pins and feathers;
  • flower tape and all necessary wire types;
  • Boerma Instituut Certificate of participance in English.


We have an online shop for floral design supplies that is very competitively priced. You can find anything you might need as a florist there.
In case you would like to purchase anything and are planning on visiting us, you can also choose ‘pick up’ as a delivery option.
This way you can save on some shipping and be sure we have everything you want on the day of your class.

Click here for our webshop.

Fun Floristry Videos

Nowadays we also have a Youtube Channel! If you can’t wait for class, we have some great videos with Gregor Lersch which you can find here.

Master Class with Gregor Lersch

@ 20:31

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