Handtied Bouquet Level 2, (2 days)

The hand-tied bouquet courses at the Boerma Instituut are for anyone who wants to learn how to make hand-tied bouquets. They are also excellent refresher courses for professionals.
Are you ready to bring your bouquets to the next level?
During this course you will learn how to make your own bouquet frames and how to bind a bouquet with a more complicated shape.
The Handtied Bouquet Course level 2 is for people that already know how to make a good spiral-tied bouquet and want to continue their study.
We recommend to do the level 1 course if you are not experienced in making bouquets yet.
What do you learn at the Handtied Bouquet course, Level 2?
You will learn the professional way of creating a hand-tied bouquet. We make bouquets using several techniques and in different styles. During the course, we use as much as possible materials of the season.
Program level 2
- Day 1: frame bouquet, Freestyle (single stem) bouquet;
- Day 2: cascading bouquet, one sided (funeral) bouquet.
This course is bilingual (English/Dutch) when we have international students, who don’t speak Dutch. At the end of this course, you receive a certificate in English.
Handtied Bouquet Level 2 dates in 2024
- Thursday, December 5 & Friday, December 6.
Handtied Bouquet Level 2 dates in 2025
- Thursday, April 3 & Friday, April 4
- Wednesday, May 21 & Thursday, May 22
- Thursday, June 19 & Friday, June 20
- Thursday, September 11 & Friday, September 11
- Thursday, November 27 & Friday, November 28
Course Fee
Course fee of the hand tied Bouquets course is € 220,- and is including all necessary materials, lunch, coffee, tea, juices and the Boerma Instituut certificate (in English).
Other possibilities
For those that want to continue learning after the Level 2 course, we have a Level 3 as well! For more information go to this page.
Are these dates not suitable for you? It’s also possible to book private lessons.
Please contact us at info@boerma.nl for more information.
Social Media
We regularly post on Instagram and Facebook, here you can find quite some pictures of flower arrangements in all styles. You can also visit our YouTube channel when you like to see how we give demonstration every other Friday.

@ 10:00 - @ 15:45
One event on at 10:00
One event on at 10:00
One event on at 10:00
One event on at 10:00
One event on at 10:00
Event Categories: Day Course, Hand-tied, International, Level 2, Short Course