2- Days Bouquet Master Class by Alex Segura

Alex Segura is an amazing Master Florist from Barcelona, Spain. He creates beautiful intricate work and is amongst other things specialized in creating amazingly creative bouquets.
We are happy to announce that he will be giving a 2-Day hands-on Master Class on April 25th and 26th!
What will we be making during this Bouquet Master Class

Day 1: Frame Bouquets
On the first day Alex Segura will be teaching how to create a variety of interesting and beautiful frames for handtied bouquets.
These are special bouquets created for special events or exclusive clients and are sure to catch the eye and capture peoples imagination.

Day 2: Bridal Bouquets
On the second day Alex will be teaching a variety of bridal bouquets that can steal any show.
This will really up your game when it comes to bridal work.
Who is this Master Class for?
This Master Class is a Level 2 class, so it is intended for those who have already joined the Handtied Bouquet Class level 1 or done a similar education somewhere else.
If you’ve never made a handtied bouquet before, we recommend you to first join one of our level 1 classes. We have one every month, more information can be found here.
Folks who’ve already done the Professional Dutch Floral Design program (or as we call it in Dutch, the vakopleiding) or a higher education, can also join in this class.
This program is also great for those working in a flower shop and looking for ways to make their work more unique and want to offer more specialized bouquets to their customers.

Course dates 2024
Thursday April 25th and Friday April 26th.
Class starts each day from 09.30 and lasts until about 16.30, but sometimes it’s possible that we finish an hour later.
All necessary materials to create the arrangements are included in the price. As well as lunch with some beverage options, coffee/tea during coffee breaks.
The course fee is € 395,-
Not included are tools. We recommend you to bring your own pruning shears, florist knife and a wire cutter.
When you do not have these, you can buy them in our physical shop on location or order them through our website.
If you order them in advance, we will have them ready for you on the day of the course.
The necessary materials include:
- all needed flowers & leaf materials;
- all bases/containers needed;
- all side materials, like ribbon, beads, pins and feathers;
- flower tape and all necessary wire types;
- Boerma Instituut Certificate of participation in English.

More about Alex Segura
Alex Segura has 25 years of experience as a florist although prior to that he also studied graphic design. He has over 10 years of experience as a floral designer teacher at Escola d’Art Floral de Catalunya but he also taught courses and seminars in Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Belgium, México, Costa Rica, Taiwan, Japan, China, Australia and Hong Kong.
Alex has participated in national and international floral competitions in South Korea; China; Japan; Croatia; Singapore and Taiwan. He is a fully certified National and International judge, by Florint.

@ 09:30 - @ 16:30
Event Categories: Bridal Work, Hand-tied, International, Level 2, Level 3, Master Class
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