The International Master Florist education is the highest level achievable at the Boerma Instituut in Aalsmeer. The exam of the IMF is on Thursday, March 21.
This Saturday, March 23rd, there will be an Open House at the Boerma Instituut!
This is in honor of the exam of the International Master Florist Education, taught by Gregor Lersch.
During the Open House you will be able to view the Exam arrangements made by the students as well as some of the works from Gregor Lersch.
Viewing these works can be very educational and give a great idea of what can all be possible in our profession!
Since there are 12 participants, there will be a lot of inspiration!
A lot of the students that have done the exam will be there themselves.
Aside from that, all the employees of the Boerma Instituut will be available to ask questions about the programs and courses that we have here in the school.
Open House Times
The Open House is from 12.00 – 15.00
Exam Subjects
The IMF exam at the Boerma Instituut has 3 subjects.
The three practical exam subjects are:
- Bridal bouquet
- Displacement arrangement
- Buffet arrangement
On Friday, March 22, the upcoming International Master Florists and Gregor Lersch will be working at the Flower Art Museum. You can go there and watch between 13:00 and 17:00. The work will still be on display there on Saturday, March 23 and Sunday, March 24 and can also be viewed on those days between 13:00 and 17:00.
By the way, “our” Anjelica is one of the IMF students. So her exam work is also there to be admired 🙂