Originally planned for 2020, Mike Boerma and Holly Chapple have cooked up an amazing floristry class for beginners!
Join us from July 10 – 13 at Hope Flower Farm in Virginia, USA!

Flower Classes in the USA

Ajour Wreath
Ajour Wreath

We often get questions from people wondering when we will come to teach one of our floristry courses in the US. We are excited to announce that we are taking the first steps with this 4-day lon intensive vocational training progrem.
It will be taught by both Mike Boerma and Holly Chapple.
In the first 2 days, Mike Boerma will be teaching you the fundamentals of floristry! Giving you a good base to work from.

Dutch Garden Style
Dutch Garden Style

On day 3, Holly Chapple will co-teach as we will build further upone those previously learned basics and begin to create bigger designs fit for an event!
On the last day we will be installing arrangements on a location, for an incredible photoshoot!

Hope Flower Farm

For more information and to register, please go to this website.

Mike Boerma Boho Bouquet
Mike Boerma will be teaching at Hope Flower Farm