In this blogpost, we would like to thank everyone who has been watching our Floristry Videos!
Recently, we reached 4000 subscribers on our Youtube channel and are very grateful for it!
Floristry videos
As you may already know, since 2020 we have started to upload to our Youtube channel regularly.
This allows everyone around the world to have a peek into our school and learn about floral design!
Flower Arranging Livestreams
We do Floral Design Livestreams every other week (outside of school vacations).
These demos aren’t full lessons per se, but you can still learn a lot from these streams.
First off, we often show the entire flower arranging process.
Second, you can even ask any questions you want during these livestreams!
The next livestream is already tomorrow, but you can always watch them back later.
Edited videos
As a matter of fact, every livestream we have done until now we will edit into a shorter video format!
We cut quite a lot of the ‘dead air’ that might happen during the streams.
This in turn makes the videos more enjoyable to watch afterwards even for those who already saw the demonstration live!
Our most recent edit is this one, in which Mike Boerma creates a Dutch Master Painting style flower arrangement:
Floristry Playlists
Have a favorite floristry teacher at our school? We even have seperate playlists now so that you can watch all the designs that person has made.
For instance, there is a playlist with all arrangements by Gregor Lersch, Carel Schenk, Mike Boerma, Frédéric Dupré and Jacqueline Boerma.
If after all these flower arranging videos you’ve suddenly got the itch to start studying floristry yourself, feel free to join in one of our physical floristry courses!
The Professional Dutch Floral Design course for example, is our most elaborate and in depth floristry course. This course is fit for anyone who wants to attain the skills of a professional florist.
So if you’ve always dreamt of becoming a florist, or if you simply want to learn all there is about your favorite past time activity, then this course is for you!